How We Can Help?
It may not be well known but 70% of headaches originate from the neck. They are known as cervicogenic headaches. The international headache society separates them into 3 different categories; migraines (with or without aura), tension type and cluster type headaches.
What is a migraine?
Migraines are very common they affect 15% of the population. The incidence of migraines is three times more in women than they are in men. They are debilitating and can affect your ability to work socialise and do even simple day to day tasks. Most sufferers are unaware that there are many natural treatment options which can help avoid a lifetime of prescribed medications and their potential side effects. While medications are effective at dealing with the symptoms other options do more than just mask the pain. Chiropractic is one potential option.
Migraine Without Aura
These headaches are characterised by a unilateral (one sided) location, pulsatile in nature, moderate to severe in intensity. They are typically aggrevated by physical activity and associated with nausea, photophobia (sensitivity to light) and phonophobia (sensitivity to sound). They can last anywhere from 4-72 hours.
Migraines With Aura
Typically these are the same types of headaches as a migraine without aura. They usually differ by giving neurological type symptoms alongside the headache. These can include dizziness, or visual disturbances which can present before or at the onset of the headache. The symptoms can last for days or hours before or after the headache.
Headache or Migraine Triggers
Many things can trigger migraines or headaches. Some of which we have control over such as; chocolate, cheese, nuts, caffeine, alcohol and nitrates (found in cured meats like bacon or salami and in wine). Other triggers are more difficult to control such as your quality of sleep, stress and hormone cycles.
Chiropractic care may not be considered the first option for most people suffering from migraines or headaches. However, the most recent research suggests that chiropractic care is a highly effective for creating a positive change in headache and migraine intensity, frequency and duration.
Stress on the spine can also be associated with migraines and headaches. Some are very obvious such as a car crash, fall or other sorts of trauma. Other are less obvious such as prolonged poor postures. This includes things such as extended periods sat at the desk posture or spending a long-time driving.
Chiropractic adjustments restore optimal motion and function to the spine over time. Chiropractors are highly trained in the analysis and detection of such musculoskeletal issues. The adjustments themselves take pressure off the surrounding ligaments, tendons, muscles, discs and nerves. All of which can refer up to the head or cause a migraine or headache.
If you or anyone you know is suffering from migraines or headaches encourage them to look up chiropractic care. If you have any questions about migraines headaches or chiropractic care please get in touch with us and we will gladly answer them.
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