Tailored Chiropractic Care For Your Unique Health Journey
When people think of chiropractic they often think of neck pain, back pain and headaches. It is now becoming increasingly well documented in the scientific literature the success of chiropractors at helping with all these conditions.
Most people are unaware of the underlying reason why chiropractic helps these issues. A chiropractor has the ability to assess the function of the spine and nervous system. When the spine stops functioning correctly it impacts the nervous system. The nervous system is important as it is how the brain and body communicate. When there is a breakdown in this communication, the body cannot heal in the way it is designed to.
By assessing the areas of spinal dysfunction a chiropractor can use specific techniques and adjustments to help improve the function of the spine and nervous system.
If there is an increased nervous system function it makes sense for there to be an increase in all bodily functions and not just decreasing pain and disability. Therefore, Chiropractic care is beneficial for EVERYONE.
Many professional athletes and teams have caught onto the advantages of regular chiropractic care. This is beginning to be shown in the scientific literature. They use adjustments to enhance their performance and improve their recovery. Studies have shown that chiropractic care can improve strength and balance. It also enhances movement so the body can move more safely and efficiently, by allowing the central nervous system to predict, monitor and execute movements of the whole body.
Our bodies are remarkably equipped to adapt and heal themselves, as demonstrated by the natural healing of injuries like a cut. This self-healing capacity, inherent and automatic, is driven by our body's innate intelligence focused on restoration and regeneration. The healing journey, though gradual and evolving, relies on a harmonious nervous system, balanced nutrition, and restful sleep, among other essentials. Chiropractic care supports this inherent healing ability by eliminating barriers that hinder this natural process.
The Origins of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care has its roots in the United States, originating in 1895 with its founder, D.D. Palmer. Palmer's first spinal adjustment, which astonishingly restored the hearing of a deaf janitor, marked the beginning of chiropractic's journey. His son, BJ Palmer, furthered the discipline, enhancing chiropractic care through extensive research, developing new techniques, and focusing on education. The contributions of D.D. and BJ Palmer have been instrumental in shaping the philosophy and varied methodologies of chiropractic care as it is known and practiced today.
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