How We Can Help?
During pregnancy the body undergoes a lot of change to accommodate a growing baby. This can put a lot of stress on the body if it is not functioning at its optimum. There is also a hormone released (Relaxin) which acts to soften the ligaments which can lead to further distortion. Chiropractic care and in particular the Webster Technique is a specific analysis and adjustment that reduces nervous system stress, balances pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments, and optimises the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth. Helping to give you the best chance of a healthy happy pregnancy and birth. Georgie is a registered Webster Technique practitioner.
Power, Passage, Passenger
The function of the uterus is dependent on the nerve supply. Chiropractic care removes nervous system interference thereby enhancing the power supply to this organ and other tissues required during pregnancy and labour. This helps to make sure the uterine contractions during birth are of an appropriate strength and co-ordination.
The Webster technique also aims to restore balance to the pelvis ensuring the space the baby is coming through has not been decreased by structural changes to the mother’s pelvis. Reducing tension and torsion on ligaments surrounding mum’s pelvis may mean the baby has the physiological environment to assume the best possible position for birth.
My Baby is Breech
As chiropractors we do not turn babies nor do we provide treatment to the baby in utero. Webster technique focuses on Mums body to reduce tension on uterus and soft tissues and optimise space by balancing pelvis and remove nervous system interference. This will create a more optimal environment for baby and they may be able to move into better position.
During pregnancy it is not uncommon to suffer pain from several conditions.
Back Pain
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
Groin Pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chiropractic is a great and safe option for pregnant patients suffering from any sort of neuro-musculoskeletal pain.
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