What To Expect at Your First Appointment

Uncover the journey of chiropractic care at our clinic. This page guides you through each step of your treatment, from initial consultation to ongoing wellness, ensuring a clear and comforting experience tailored to your needs.

Laying the Groundwork for Wellness

Think of chiropractic care as similar to building a house – it's essential to follow a specific sequence to ensure durability and proper functioning. Like constructing a strong base before adding walls and a roof, your body needs to build upon a solid health foundation. Our chiropractic approach targets the root causes of pain and health issues, beginning with the fundamental aspects of your body's health. This foundational focus is crucial for overall wellness and recovery. In chiropractic, we adhere to a carefully structured plan of care, which is starts with 3 steps;

Step 1: Initial Consultation
During your first visit (approximately 40 minutes) you will undergo a consultation and examination. Typically, the chiropractors will look at posture, movements, spinal health and perform some orthopaedic tests. This allows the chiropractor to assess your primary complaint alongside your overall health. You may receive an adjustment this visit if your chiropractor decides its safe and appropriate.

Step 2: Report of Findings
The second visit or report of findings (approximately 20 minutes) gives the chiropractor the chance to talk through your problem and help you understand what is going on. You will have a chance to ask any questions you may have. Next you will discuss what it will likely take to get you feeling better, the expected recovery time and cost. Your chiropractor will share their best recommendations and you will have the opportunity to start the management plan.

Step 3 & Beyond: Adjustments

These adjustments / follow-up visits will be used to carry out the management plans discussed in your report of findings and will continue according to your plan.

Achieve Optimal Health And Wellness

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  • mychirofalmouth@gmail.com